Monday, May 30, 2011

Life is Better Again

Our Team is reunited and we have a new Addition! Nati has arrived in Buenos Aires - she is my ICX counterpart who will be living in Santiago! :) YAYYYY!!!! Lais is also back from her week away in Amsterdam, and brought us back yummy yummy treats!!

ON Tuesday evening a bunch of us went to La Plata, a city 1 hour from BsAs, to have a party with the Local Committee there. We went to an interns house, Felipe, from Brazil, to pre-drink then we headed to a club at 2am. In Argentina, they start drinking at 12, they go to the club at 2, and they stop at 6am when the clubs close! Crazy party life here! I can barely make it to 3am but I am working on it! BUT, while in La Plata, at the club, it was around 3am and I walked downstairs to sit, I was exhausted, and I see Felipe, and a few other of the AIESECers, sitting on the couch with Felipe sleeping. Then all of a sudden, he PUKES on the girl next to him!!! hahahah Ewww, so then me and 3 others help carry Felipe, NOT a light fellow, home so he can sleep. On the way home he pukes on another girl and in the car. I THANKFULLY was missed by the projectile! THANK GOODNESS!!! hahah But all the while, the girls kept saying to me "Welcome to La Plata!" bahahahha. Yes Welcome Indeed :P

Then On Saturday Night we went to a party at "The Andes Way" House.....this is a project that @USAL is putting on, called The Andes Way, they are bringing 25 interns to BsAs, and they are living in one house called "The Andes Way" House. :) It was a great time, lots of people, lots of dancing, and lots of laughs.

And the rest of the weekend I spent lounging around, sleeping, reading, relaxing. It was blissful. :)

Its Monday, and I had my spanish class this morning, it went well. and then I came home, and we all shared dinner and tea&dessert of Dulce de Leche, which is like Caramel, and waffle snacks that Lais brought for us from Netherlands. Yum Yum Yum. Excellent day I do think :)

I am happy again!

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