So I went wondering today. Jackie, Drew, and I decided we would go on an adventure. We walked across the bridge to where the guy from out building, Justin, Told us to go, wowza, talk about bad smells. haha. It was so different - crazy streets with crazy cars - they drive on the opposite side of the street! And there were dogs laying around everywhere since there are millions of them walking the streets - it was sad - but they just ignore you and you ignore them. But we found all these street vendors then a street market. Lotsa stuff - but our hadventure had the intent of finding us food - we found everything else but! We went into one sit down restaurant (decided to take it slow and ease into the Thai food Vendors on the streets, let the stomach adjust slowly) but in the restaurant nobody spoke we had to leave - There is not english - anywhere - we found a 7-11 though - that was fantastic. I bought a popsicle! mmm!
Then we took a tuktuk!!! My very first tuktuk! its like a motorbike with a cart on it. not very safe since there is crazy driving but alot of fun! haha But we over paid massively - we paid 50 Baht = $1.66. Pricey! haha :D
Then we decided we needed those cell phones! So we went to the big mall and wondered around - there was Christmas trees everywhere. Strange for a country that doesnt celebrate it! haha.
Oh and they have BRIGHT PINK TAXIS here!! ohhhhhhhhhhh!! I'll get a picture later! :)
Cheers for now!
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